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Bill Malchisky


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  • Running Traveler 9.0.1? Hold off on that Upgrade for Now

    Bill Malchisky  April 3 2015 06:54:38 AM
    Saw a few colleagues communicating on a recent upgrade issue with Traveler Once resolved, one may choose to author a more detailed blog post, but I wanted to at least offer a place holder hopefully to save you time and keep your end users happy.

    If you are running Traveler on Windows 2008 R2/64bit with Domino 9.0.1 FP3 HF241 underneath, you might want to delay holding off til resolved. Traveler can crash every few minutes in this configuration (as of this writing). (Other hot fix levels may be in-scope, but unreported and uncertain currently.)

    This issue seems isolated to this exact version of Windows and running Traveler on Linux appears for now to avoid the matter.

    1Randy  4/3/2015 7:47:14 AM  Running Traveler 9.0.1? Hold off on that Upgrade for Now

    Thanks for posting this. I was ready to jump on this over the weekend just for the trash sync. You savbed me a bit of a headache.

    2Matteo Bisi  4/3/2015 8:01:27 AM  Running Traveler 9.0.1? Hold off on that Upgrade for Now

    Thanks Bill i've appreciated this post because i've upgraded 2 servers on lnx but i've in plan also a windows 2008R2. Thanks !!

    3Raoul Morik  4/4/2015 3:27:12 AM  Running Traveler 9.0.1? Hold off on that Upgrade for Now

    I had exactly the same problems. I fixed it by doing the following:

    Stopped traveler task on every HADR Node. Started it on one with load traveler -defrag - waited for about 10-15 minutes and then started traveler on the other HADR Node. Since then no more crashes. Maybe that helps someone else too. I opened a PMR at IBM but since I managed it to keep it running, I closed the PMR.

    4Ray Bilyk  4/4/2015 6:18:23 AM  What happens when your Lotus Pal shows up just in the nick of time?


    THANK YOU Bill for saving me from a horrible weekend following my scheduled upgrade tonight/Sunday morning!

    Either take a hug out of petty cash now, or wait until I can give it to you in person at MWLUG!

    5Bill Malchisky  4/8/2015 4:32:19 PM  Running Traveler 9.0.1? Hold off on that Upgrade for Now

    Glad to be of assistance, guys.

    6Tom Hillebrand  4/29/2015 2:04:59 PM  Running Traveler 9.0.1? Hold off on that Upgrade for Now

    I think the main point here is that the problem doesn't seem to happen on Linux right now. Been running Traveler Build 201503171604_20 for weeks and it's working nicely.

    Today (or yesterday) Traveler was released. Let's see what's in-store for us there, other than a bunch of IBM Verse integration for those that have gone to the SmartCloud.

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