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Bill Malchisky


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  • iNotes Tip: Getting the Lotus Learning Widget to Install on 8.5.3

    Bill Malchisky  December 19 2012 04:00:00 AM
    Image:iNotes Tip: Getting the Lotus Learning Widget to Install on 8.5.3
    The Lotus Learning Widget is a great piece to add to your IBM / Lotus iNotes installation and have great information readily available for your end users. The Lotus Wiki has a nice step-by-step piece providing the widget code. One small issue, the code is incorrect.

    The third line of the original code contains a sole "&" sign inside the palleteItem tag. It needs to be changed to a "&" instead. Once you do that, you will have a nice clean Lotus Widget available to use. Give it a shot and consider providing this add-on for your users. It really is a nice free option for iNotes users.

    Here is the correct code (sorry for the image file):

    Image:iNotes Tip: Getting the Lotus Learning Widget to Install on 8.5.3

    You can change the widget's title to display what you want, by simply modifying the title variable in the code.
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