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Bill Malchisky


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  • Ten Behaviors That Could Kill Your Career

    Bill Malchisky  April 13 2015 11:30:00 PM
    A few weeks ago, Jack Welch wrote an article for the Daily Mail covering common pitfalls stalling one's career. Many items listed were taught to me when I worked as an employee or through customers along the way, thus, I appreciated his wisdom. If you have not read the piece, I wanted to share it. Perhaps you know someone that can use the information to better himself or herself in their current job, or apply an item below to your own aspirations.

    I find point three is particularly important. To paraphrase a customer from about 18 years ago, "Come to the table with solutions, otherwise you are being spiteful." I always remembered that point (and glad I had a solution).

    The excerpt below is included verbatim from the article.

    If you recognize your own behaviors here, make it your mission to change them - before you have to. In time, you’re likely to see your career move from a stall to a soar.

    1) Misfiring on performance or values - Overcommitting and under-delivering
    2) Resistance to change - Failing to embrace new ideas
    3) Being a Problem Identifier vs a Problem Solver
    4) Winning over your boss but not your business peer group
    5) Always worrying about your next career move versus focusing on the present
    6) Running for office - it’s totally transparent to everyone but you!
    7) Self-importance - exhibiting a humorless, rigid attitude
    8) Lacking the courage and conviction to push back on the system
    9) Forgetting to develop your own succession plan for when you get promoted
    10) Complacency - you’ve stopped growing.

    Jack Welch is executive chairman the Jack Welch Management Institute, where he is directly involved in preparing MBA and Executive Certificate program graduates to transform their companies and careers.

    If you’re experiencing a stalled or faltering career - and most of us do at some point or another - take a good look in the mirror. Are you guilty of exhibiting any of these common behaviors?

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